Other great websites!

Turkey Hill Ranch Bible Camp


This is the camp I grew up at and have served on the board for nearly 25 years. The programs have evolved greatly but include family camps, weeks of horse camp, a canoe camp, regular children’s camp, and a flagship week focused on discipleship for our summer staff. There are weekend camps scattered through the academic year that provide great encouragement. Lastly, the site contains the Israel tour information. This setting profoundly shaped me during my teen years. I heard some of the best teaching of those days and those who discipled me have long become my dearest friends. It is well worth your visit. 

The Ezekiel Project School of Evangelism


There is a little-known secret of a solid and incredible Bible training program called the Ezekiel Project. Originally, it was set up to train believers in evangelism. This was done in both weeklong seminars (I have taken these and highly recommend them) and in a nine month on site classroom setting. The tutorial setting is in Richmond (MI, near Detroit) and starts every fall. It is perfect for the young person who needs this type of personal one-on-one involvement. The curriculum features the basics of theology and ministry skills, but always against the backdrop of evangelism. For example, when talking about the Deity of Christ, the class discusses the passages of John 1:1-3. What is not expected is setting an appointment up with a cult to discuss their view in a real time evangelistic setting. 

Emmaus Bible College


From a teen, I have always longed to attend Emmaus Bible College. More recently, I have had the privilege to be involved on an administrative level. Some students need Biblical training and vocational training simultaneously. Emmaus provides just this forum in the traditional college campus setting. Programs have been engineered to grant degrees in areas such as nursing, allied health science, computer technology, education and business to name a few. The students are well cared for within this framework and the traditional classroom setting provides the right degree of challenge for their formative years. The tried and true college venue is safely contained within godly boundaries and a caring faculty. Additionally, online classes have become part of an extensive list of educational options. Such classes are beneficial for those who need some exposure to such areas as counseling—a unique tool for one knee deep in shepherding.

The Workers Elders Conference

This site hosts the over 80-year-old event. It was initially started for the “full-time” worker’s encouragement and prayerful edification. Later, the conference included elders, but over time the invitation has expanded to anyone seriously interested in the work of the Lord. Both men and women are welcome to the annual fall event (always runs from Tuesday to Thursday, beginning after Columbus Day in October). When our Assembly was struggling so desperately, we (none of else were elders) attended our first conference. We have never missed one since. The Lord used the comradery and teaching of his Word to transform us over the next several decades. If you have even the slightest interest in the work of the local Assembly, then this is a choice you would not regret. 

Biblical Eldership Resources


Our brothers have put together a website that trains in eldering. This is a rare find and I regularly borrow from their labors. There are courses that range in intensity and I have personally benefitted from their teaching modules. Additionally, the years of wisdom that are imbedded in their archives and articles are a goldmine for the shepherd. It is a place for research on problems in which you find no resources. The site provides a forum for questions when you do not know who to ask or even what to ask. I have reaped the blessings from this work and you may too.

Assembly Care Ministries


There is an older expression of wisdom that I was taught: “If you are not able to fight on the frontlines, then at least carry the water.” This is the focus of Assembly Care Ministries. It provides help in areas of need that if allowed, would consume all the time and energy of our missionaries and fulltime workers. Thus, telemedicine has developed to in some measure alleviate health care burdens from the shoulders of our servants. The same is true with the tax preparatory services that are offered. Counseling for the workers who are fatigued in their areas of spiritual battle is also available. We do not have the resources to impact every unspoken area of a servant’s life, but where the Lord shows us, we try to assist and “carry the water.”

Christian Ministries in Many Lands


If there is one website that ought be visited at least 2-3 times per week, it is this one. I love the tab, “Today’s missionaries.” I use this feature to pray for our servants on foreign fields. These loved ones are from both the US and Canada. When you click on their profile, you learn more precisely what they are doing and perhaps some current needs that they are facing. Even more useful, is the ability to immediately send an email to the worker you are praying about. I have personally done this and have thoroughly enjoyed developing some new friendships with our missionaries. I share these correspondences with my family, and we pray together for them. Lastly, there are regularly posted video spots of our missionaries in the field. Not only is this helpful individually, but we show these at our Wednesday night prayer meetings to allow other saints to pick up a correspondence with our fellow laborers.

Kansas Bible Camp


This work has been ongoing for nearly 70 years. It is one of the most innovative and discipleship-oriented works I have seen. Not just anyone can serve there, but a young person has to go through two weeks of training before even being considered. They model the concept of “training from within.” Their love for an uncompromised Gospel is admirable and the creative ways they have gone about it is phenomenal. My wife grew up going to this camp and I am indebted to the investment made which has contributed to the wonderful soulmate she is to me.