Reaching Higher

Today’s church goer has options unheard of by previous generations. Such choices raises the question or should raise the question of “how should I do ‘church’?” I agree, but it is not a new question. It was asked by several over the history of Christianity. One such groups was those later called “Plymouth Brethren.” They knew the reformation of “Sola Scriptura” meaning only the word of God for our truth. These individuals about 150 years ago, applied the same slogan to investigating what the Bible has to say about church. In so doing, some key principles were appreciated afresh. This CMML conference featured the same spirit of looking to the word of God for the church of the 21st century. Is what was learned in the past still applicable to a electronically socially mobile based society of today? It is a fair question. This conference approaches this insightful quandary with the dogma of “Sola Scriptura!” If you are searching for an answer to “doing church” in the 21st Century, then might I recommend this series to you.


Israel Trip: 2020