Why make a website?


I have some hesitation be begin a website. I confess that I feel embarrassed to develop something that sounds so self promoting. In fact, if it was not for my son, I would never have done it. Then, my dear friend from North Carolina sent me audio recordings of our trip to Israel and suddenly content was coming together. All the sudden I realized I had better say something. So, here is my first attempt at blogging. I am sure you will readily see my novice like tendencies. Nonetheless, I had better say something so it occurred to me to give some reflection on what I call: "Theology I learn from my children." My first lesson comes from Ephesians 4:30, where we are instructed to not grieve or sadden the Spirit of God. Quite frankly, I did not really appreciate how much of an emotional impact I could have on the Lord. That was true until our family went to the Bahamas. During an outing,  I had suffered an injury to my chest with a fairly “gnarly” gash to my left trunk. I had scraped it on the sharp edge of a boat door when gliding across the ocean. That night, at the evening service, my 3-year-old little girl was sitting on the side of my wound, when she inadvertently tossed her head onto my side to cozy up to her father. I winced and quielty moaned in pain. As soon as she realized my agony, she picked up her head in utter horror and burst into tears on my lap. She could not fathom causing such pain to the man she loved. I learned some incredible “theology” that day. Why do I not grasp the agony I put my Lord through when I cause him pain by my actions? When is the last time I cried over putting him through such a moment? I confess, I cannot remember because there is no time I had understood the impact of my actions uponmy heavenly Father. 


Easter Sunday Message


The Fearful Storms on the Sea of Galilee